Learning how to manage money: Saving Money & Making money.

Today’s economy is no joke. I am trying to learn how to manage money better as I am sure a lot of you are too. I have been reading and listening to a lot of podcasts and have found some really helpful tips to manage money along the way. I’m here to share some of the things I’ve learned about managing money. Some are quite simple, and I should have done these a long time ago. Saving and making money is a learning process for me. Join me in the journey!

I will list some of the books I’ve enjoyed through Audible as well as the ones I have bought from Amazon that I find really helpful about money management. I am only listing what I have actually read or listened to. I will also be listing the things or places to shop where I find I am saving money.

Saving and making money are a must of financial health and stability. If we can practice disciplined saving habits, we can build a money cushion that offers security for our families. One of the main things I have learned is that setting money aside regularly is key. Making money, on the other hand, involves actively looking for opportunities to increase what you make. I want to fully develop a strong cycle of money growth where saving and making money come together.