
Best ways to manage money

Simple grocery store money hacks

I will first disclose that I am no financial adviser, and this blog does not have financial advice. Rather, this is what I find helpful and what works for me. I hope you see some value too.

One of the best books I listened to (I used the Audible version) is I Will Teach You To Be Rich. I am like a lot of people in that I had some credit card debt and if you are like me, it’s a cloud over my head to be in debt. It feels like a never-ending rat race to live this way. I found the Ramit Sethi’s documentary very helpful.

Since watching the documentary a year ago during a Florida vacation, I have since then opened a savings and business account. He makes a lot of good bank recommendations, but I especially like the Ally and US Banks for those accounts. I like the easy transfers, the ability to upload a check by taking a picture and uploading, and the low monthly fees. I also find that automating or setting up your money to automatically transfer to the bank on payday, is the easiest way for me to save. Ally bank has these ‘buckets’ where you can set up how much of your savings you want in each bucket or category. I have set one up for vacations and emergency fund. There is no minimum deposit or charge fees as of 2024 for the Ally Bank savings account and the annual percental yield (how much money you earn from the money in the account) is 4.20% on all balances. Again, anything outside of my control is subject to change but I am sharing what works for me now.

So in a year’s time, I have decreased my credit card debt to a minimum and opened up a savings as well as a business account. The business account I find helpful to keep all expenses of my side hustle separate from my personal ones.

I hope you are finding your way in the money management journey too!